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This is Zara, a wonderful Red Setter that I was recently commissioned to paint; you'll see she has so many shades to her coat. Look out next week as I'll be sharing tips on how I painted her and the challenges I faced. 

#katelaffargueartist #artist #portraits #petportrait #arttips #redsetter
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day. What would you consider to be a Random Act of Kindness? Perhaps you'll make a cup of tea or bake cakes for the people you see today, or you could send a card to someone you haven't contacted in a while or a new connection you have made recently. 

Ultimately, a random act of kindness is one that is spontaneous, selfless and intended to bring positivity or help to someone else. 

I'd like to offer a gesture of kindness myself and will give one of my printed cards free to the first 10 people who comment below - tell me which you'd like and perhaps a note sharing your own random acts of kindness. 

The cards I've had printed are copies of some of my paintings. If you would like to purchase any cards, I am currently offering a selection of 3 cards for £10, message me to find out more.

 #randomactsofkindness #katelaffargueartist #greetingscardsuk #bekind
Commissioning a watercolour or oil painting from me is a great way to show someone you love them.

#love #portraitpainting #katelaffargueartist #giftoflove #family
If you have been considering commissioning a portrait of a beloved pet or family member as a gift, I have a new idea you might like. I am now offering a gift voucher plan that can be paid for in installments.

All you need to do is pay the initial first installment of £100 and I will send you a beautiful presentation gift voucher confirming the commission.

Prior to you making the first instalment, we will confirm in writing the details of the commission, the total fee payable and the instalment plan.

Contact me on 07891 656743.

#katelaffargueartist #artist #portraits #petportrait #ValentinesDay #UniqueValentinesGift
You may have seen I painted a robin for Christmas. The credit for the image lies with the wonderful photographer David Smith. 

Although I have yet to meet David Smith in person, he very kindly agreed to send me the beautiful photo of the robin he took. 

David and I share a love of birds and he has kindly given me access to a wealth of wonderful bird photographs which I plan to paint. Over the next few months, I will share more of them with you.

I am planning to have another Exhibition in the future about "Birds". I anticipate that there will be "Native birds", "Exotic Birds" and Birds of Prey"... Watch this space!

#katelaffargueartist #artist #portraits #petportrait #arttips #landscapepainting #birdpainter #rspblovenature
I wanted to share these photos I received last month from one of my clients, Sarah. This very natural image - which was quite challenging to make look 3D. I think it really works in her front parlour and even fits in with the curtains...

#katelaffargueartist #artist #portraits #petportrait #arttips #landscapepainting #paintingflowers
Spent a very pleasant half day visiting Bruges in Belgium...

My sisters and I started out in a very pleasant café, drinking hot chocolate and eating pancakes...We visited a lovely Chocolaterie to buy Belgium chocolate and nougat...

We did some Christmas shopping and had a smooth journey home...Great fun!
If you have been considering commissioning a portrait of a beloved pet or family member as a gift, I have a new idea you might like. I am now offering a gift voucher plan which can be paid for in installments. 

All you need to do is pay the initial first installment of £100 and I will send you a beautiful presentation gift voucher confirming the commission and giving you something to place into the hands of your loved one this Christmas.

Prior to you making the first instalment, we will confirm in writing the details of the commission, the total fee payable and the instalment plan.

This will give you a personal and creative gift that will light up the face of your loved one and give them something exciting to look forward to in the New Year.

Contact me on 07891 656743.

#christmasgiftideas #katelaffargueartist #PetPortrait #CanterburyArt
I went wreath making recently to raise money for the Community fridge at the Baptist church, where, funnily enough, I had my first ever Exhibition in 2021...
Yesterday, we had a very interesting tour backstage at the Marlowe theatre...

After supper, we then watched the pantomime called "Beauty and the Beast".

This was a very enjoyable experience, cleverly done and genuinely funny with some excellent performances by the cast.

I think it is only the second pantomime I have ever been to. As such, I went along with no expectations. That said, I can definitely recommend "Beauty and the Beast". If you get the chance to go, go!

#marlowetheatrecanterbury #marlowetheatre #beautyandthebeast #panto
Do you know that I never use black paint in my watercolour painting? 

I mix deep, rich colours like ultramarine blue, burnt sienna, and deep green to create darker shades. This approach gives a more vibrant and natural depth to shadows and darker areas, avoiding the flatness that pure black can sometimes bring. Using these blends of colours allows for more subtle tones that black cannot achieve. 

#artist #petportraits #katelaffargueartist #arttips
I was delighted to welcome Revd Chris Johnson to Eight Squared gallery yesterday. Like me, Revd Chris is new in town....

Funnily enough, he got married recently in our local church, St. Stephen’s, Canterbury (which I have painted no less than four times in the course of the year)....He seemed to really like my watercolours...

I wish him every success in his new post at St Mary & St Eanswythe C.of E. Church in Folkestone, CT20 1SW

#folkestonechurches #stmaryandsteanswythechurch #artist #folkestoneartists
Fame at last 🤣! The Kentish Gazette article about my exhibition is small but mighty...💪💪💪
I am thrilled to announce that my Tree Frog collection is now available to purchase as cushions, prints and canvasses at for a limited time only. Wraptious plants 3 trees per order 🌳🌲🌴

If you'd like to support me, please go to Wraptious' facebook and like my post at this link for the chance for me to win the Wraptious featured artist competition and become one of their artists.

Each facebook like is a point and every purchase is 50 points. Many thanks for your support.

#wraptious #wraptiouscushioncompetition
So far so good for the first day of my first ever Watercolour Exhibition! So grateful for all the support and the interest in my paintings from visitors. Bring it on!

#exhibition #artgallery #proudofmyself
dreamy bonnie

#watercolour #art #pet
little lottie being an angelic muse ✨

#angel #watercolour #cavalierkingcharles
my most recent frogs 🐸 

#frog #watercolour
Frog painting with glaze on tile, the first painting medium that inspired me to create art in years. I now favour watercolours, which are less forgiving than glaze but more predictable. Look how much the colour changes from the glaze after firing in the kiln!

#tilepainting #glaze #frog
These poppyseeds were painted to mark one of the first stages of my daughter's pregnancy- in December 2019 my grandson Ray was the size of a poppyseed! 

#poppyseed #baby
My favourite Pixar film is Finding Nemo, so that was my inspiration for this watercolour made in early December 2019.
My first watercolour in 16 years became mixed media, using acrylics for the background. Dec 2019. Subject is my 13 year old dog Lottie.

#watercolour #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel
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